How To Be a Model and Build Your Model Side

To be a model you should search for a Modeling agencies either Online agencies and others,  You can search for them on Facebook Or Twitter anf other social Networks.

Building a modeling portfolio is the first step on your path to being a model, and it immensely helps in acquiring agency representation as well. There are many ways to build your portfolio, but however you choose to go about it, you must bear in mind that your modeling portfolio is an extremely vital accessory- it can make or break modeling opportunities. Your portfolio is your first impression, and your best chance to book modeling work.

So how do you build a modeling portfolio? Well here are some modeling portfolio tips sure to help. Before you begin taking photos for your book, you will first need to determine which type(s) of modeling your look is best for. Be honest and realistic with yourself; understanding this will save you tons of wasted time and effort in the future. If you aren’t sure what the different types of modeling are- or which your look is best for.

And Maybe you must have some HD Images it's good for online agencies.

The next step is to find a professional photographer. It makes no difference if you use multiple photographers or just one, what matters is the quality of their work. (*note: In general, this section applies to unsigned models. Models signed to a modeling agency prior to having a portfolio are usually provided with agency-approved photographers to build one.) When you are searching for a photographer, it would be wise to investigate many things before making a decision- for example, how many years have they been shooting, their resume and credits, their policies, how many photos they plan to give you, what their rates are, and if they will print the photos for you (if so, are they going to charge you?), or if they plan to give you the photo files and let you handle the printing on your own.

If you want to be thorough, it is also encouraged that you get references from their former clients as well. Ask them to send you the names/emails of a few models that they have worked with in the past. From there, you can send a short email to the models- tell them your name, that you are requesting a quick referral on “such-and-such photographer”, and whether or not she had a positive experience. Most models are more than happy to help out with an honest reply- with the unspoken understanding, of course, that her reply stays exclusively between the two of you.

Then you must choose what Types of model you like and you want to be, Indeed.


Your next step is to decide on of the types of photos you need; you are targeting a well-rounded portfolio that demonstrates the types of modeling you are best-suited for. Express your intentions to your photographer, ask for his input as well as suggestions, and agree upon a few things together, such as: What wardrobe items should you pack in order to achieve the particular looks/concepts you have both agreed upon? What colors or patterns that you should avoid, if any? Are there certain basic poses best-suited for the shots you are trying to get? What are the hair and makeup looks that will work best on you for these photos? You want to make every effort to ensure a mutual understanding of your vision before the photoshoot.

This next step, while not required per se, is highly recommended. It would be a wise choice to hire a professional hair and makeup artist- mainly because your portfolio is so important, and it is far easier to do it right the first time. Ask your photographer for recommendations (he has likely worked with TONS of makeup artists), or you can search on your own if you wish. It will make a huge (and positive) impact on your photos to enlist a professional’s help. If you don’t wish to hire a professional, you can always ask friends that are cosmetologists/makeup artists/hairstylists.


Next, prepare for the photoshoot! Pack all wardrobe options previously discussed, and include a few extra options just for safety. Make sure you know the address, the arrival time, where to park, and the photographer’s cell phone number. Bring a snack and water, and pack your own makeup as a precaution (in case the makeup artist’s face powder just shattered, or even worse- if she cancels). The only other thing you will need to bring is a great attitude! It’s photoshoot time.

After your photoshoot, the next step is the process of selecting images. Rule of thumb: make sure you are focusing on picking variety. You don’t want multiple shots in your portfolio of you standing against the exact same chain-link fence wearing the exact same yellow dress. Also, make sure to include a smiling headshot, a non-smiling headshot, a ¾ length shot, and a full body shot. From there you have a bit more freedom on what else you’d like to include, as long as the photos still fit within your chosen ‘genre’ of modeling.
When choosing your shots, you will want to enlist the advice and counsel of your photographer once again, as he is better trained at judging quality shots than you are (no offense!). This does not mean you have no say or opinion- you absolutely do. In fact, your opinion is the final say for ALL photos that you include in your portfolio. Just keep in mind that your photographer’s input is valuable and certainly something to consider. Also, keep in mind you really want to be picking the absolute BEST of the best here. Do not choose a photo where your face looks terrible, but your usually-pale body looks tan. A tan will never take precedence over a face. You want photos that are high-quality, attention-grabbing, and that stop people in their tracks. Remember, this is your BIG chance to make a great first impression!

Finally :
keep in mind that your photos should be 8×10” prints in pristine condition (no bends or folds). These photos should be placed inside a high-quality portfolio book. Every detail counts- don’t start cutting corners now, because this the last step in building your modeling portfolio!
So pat yourself on the back, you are now ready to dive headfirst into the modeling world! ]

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Some People Are Amazing

98 year old Dobri Dobrev, a man who lost his hearing in the second world war, walks 10 kilometers from his village in his homemade clothes and leather shoes to the city of sofia, where he spends the day begging for money.

though a well known fixture around several of the city’s churches, known for his prostrations of thanks to all donors, it was only recently discovered that he has donated every penny he has collected — over 40,000 euros — towards the restoration of decaying bulgarian monasteries and churches and the utility bills of orphanages, living instead off his monthly state pension of 80 euros.
Share with others.

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When a plane has to take off...

Did You Know?
When a plane has to take off or Land in Gibraltar International airport, vehicle traffic has to be shut down. This is the only airport where the runway actually intersects the express highway.

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This is how certain substance affect the aging process.

Did You Know ?
This is how certain substance affect the aging process. Funny but true.

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Everest grows about 4 millimeters a year | Did You Know

Did You Know?

According to National Geographic, Mt. Everest grows about 4 millimeters a year: the two tectonic plates of Asia and India, which collided millions of years ago to form the Himalayas, continue to press against each other, causing the Himalyan peaks to grow slightly each year

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Scene Girl Died


This Scene Girl who died from the bite of a spider , R.I.P

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Top iPhone And S4 Fashion Covers

This is Awesome Scene And Fashion iPhone / Samsung s4 Covers , Really awesome check it out On Amazon, e-Bay, Polyvore ...etc,


Also, You can check them out on Amazon , eBay, Polyvore And other Online stores , Thanks for watching :)

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Emotional Things And Inspirational Quotes

I Will Give you into this article Best Inspirational Quotes And Emotional One.

Just like :

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

         Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Look at this Pictures Too , Designed by Our designers .

I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'
Hope is a waking Dream, So just be strong. ! -iEMOs

I hope you just inspired, and keep up with us , with a great Quotes and Emos one too, Thanks.

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Robbery suspects caught after taking selfies Pictures !

Two suspected teenage robbers may have incriminated themselves after deciding to take pictures while holding a knife and wearing balaclavas.

Swedish police probably couldn’t believe their luck when they found the snaps of the girls on their phones, which were apparently taken just before the crime occurred.
One of the suspects can be seen holding a large kitchen knife, which is similar to the one described as being used in the robbery at the hamburger restaurant in Halmstad.
Around £240 was taken during the raid after the restaurant chef was threatened with the weapon, the local reported .
Police arrested the two cousins after tracing them back to their grandparent’s residence using sniffer dogs.
While carrying out a search authorities found a bag that contained a knife and balaclavas.
They later retrieved the phone containing the incriminating photos.
It later emerged one of the suspects was too young to be charged but the other 17-year-old girl will face trial.

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Ways to look fabulous, Ways to Dress Awesome

Hello, i'm gonna talk about 'Emo Clothes And Dresses For Girls', Girls's Dresses pretty more than guys one, and emo, scene and vampire clothes for girls is better and prettier . Girls are pretty anyway.

There's many girls in the world loves 'EMOs' fashion more than classic clothes , 'EMOs' Clothes similar to 'SWAG' Clothes. 
I'm Using many websites that shares 'EMOs' Clothes and things; Like: Tumblr, WeHEARTit, Pinterest and facebook too.

Look at this :

4 images that gives you 'EMOs" Clothes Unique Sense, It's Awesome and I love it too, and many guys and girls love it by the way.

Look at this Rules: "Ways to look fabulous."

  • 1: You must choose what is the right dress, For example: Summer Dresses , Winter Dresses , Party One, etc... looks fabulous ;) . 
  • 2: Choose Weird Colors, Maybe this is weird Point, But in 21th Century it's Cool And Awesome.
  • 3: "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Boss." This is important point. Don't be silly.
  • 4 :No Drama ! 

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Teen Transgender Couple: Boy Was A Girl And Girlfriend Was A Boy


TEENAGERS Arin Andrews and Katie Hill look like any loving young couple posing in their swimwear.

It is hard to believe that just two years ago he was a girl called Emerald and she was a boy called Luke.

Arin, 17, and Katie, 19, have both undergone surgery to change their gender.

Just over a year ago Katie, a university student, had gender reassignment surgery.

Last month Arin, who is still at school, had his breasts removed.

He says: “I hated my breasts, I always felt like they didn’t belong. Now I finally feel comfortable in my own body.

“Now when I’m out in a public pool or lifting weights, no one raises an eyebrow. They just think I’m a guy “I can wear a tank top, which I couldn’t before, and I can go swimming shirtless. I can just be a regular guy.

“And I’m so lucky to have my family and Katie to rely on.”

The couple met nearly two years ago at a support group for transgender teenagers. They bonded through their shared experiences.

Katie says: “To me, Arin’s just my Arin. He’s always looked manly to me. But now he’s had the surgery he’s much more confident and comfortable with himself.

“Being transgender myself, I understand Arin better than anybody else — how good he feels and how complete he feels.”

The teens now love to go swimming and sunbathing together like other couples.

Both their families are supportive of their relationship and say the way the teenagers, from Tulsa in the US, have supported each other has helped in their transition.

But they have not been so lucky with their peers.

Katie was bullied and Arin had to change schools when he revealed he was transgender.

He says: “I lost one of my best friends through the transition.”

Katie started her degree course last autumn but has struggled to make new friends.

She says: “I had a lot of friends in college that were really close to me. Then, all of a sudden, they just stopped talking to me.

“I think they found out I was trans through gossip and decided it was too much for them.”

It has also been difficult for the teenagers’ families, as they have had to come to terms with losing their son and daughter — and also some of their own friends.

Arin’s mum Denise says: “There are still people we don’t interact with any more. I know they questioned me as a parent.”

It is hard for anyone comfortable with their gender to understand how disturbing it is for young people to feel forced to live in the wrong body, writes Sun Agony Aunt DEIDRE SANDERS.

Of course, parents have to be careful not to jump to conclusions.

But when children seem depressed and talk of feeling they are in the wrong body, parents should not allow their own anxieties to make them dismiss it.

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Top Emo Quotes Collection

Since when was my name on the attendance, am I really that important?

I'm tired of being made the scapegoat in life. I feel like I'm being persecuted at every possible moment. Even if a kitty comes up to me I'm suspicious of it's motives. I know it's just there to make a fool out of me.

Sometimes if you love someone so much, it will actually hurt more.

If you love me so much, why are you walking away?

I hurt myself, so I can feel alive.

It's quite ironic that in life, the person that brings out the best in you and the one that makes you strong is actually your weakness.

Life is worthless. Would you please leave me so that I can end it all? You're the only reason I'm living for and I wanna start dying.

Mother suspects that I'm a gayer. She stormed into the room with your dress that I had borrowed last night. I think she found it on the stairs, which is where I left it after coming home drunk earlier.

A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself - to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved.

What's the point in eating when you just end up crapping it all out anyway?

What's the point in ever trying to be happy when the very pursuit of happiness is what makes you miserable.

You can hold on to everything, but you know he won't come back. Now I've come to realize that you are the one who is left behind.

Somehow, all the words found a way to hide what they mean, but no one ever wins.

Jesus didn't have to go through half of the pain I'm experiencing now. At least he knew he was special. I have no such assurances. I'm just another outbreak of the human virus which has contaminated Planet Earth.

Can you give me a reason for coming out of the closet?

I wish my lawn mower was emo so it would cut itself.

I tried to suffocate myself in the cupboard last night, but I came out when I heard the theme tune to Lost. I simply can't afford to miss an episode of that show.

Euthenasia sounds like such a good idea. Why can't young people sign up for it voluntarily? I'm tired of waking up every morning and crying into my Rice Krispies. It's just sob, splutter and sob for me, every goddamn day.

I've never felt I've been valued by anyone. I'm just a waste of space that everyone ignores, like a ghost without a home.

Sometimes I want to break out of this vacuum but I just can't. The space demons keep calling me back into the void. I feel comfortable there!

I want to die but I can't think of a way to end it all that involves cotton wool. I'm terrified of blades.

Gave up all their hope and went back inside with a broken heart and then the engine died.

I feel like a hero and you are my heroine. Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?

Faith has been broken, tears must be cried Let's do some living after we die.

The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me.

  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love,Love someone else in return.
  • The hardest things in life are knowing;Which bridges to cross; and. Which to burnWhich hand to hold, and which mistakes to learn.Which promises to break if you absolutely have to.But the hardest thing in life, Is living without you.
  • The only reason I don’t get any sleep at night is because I’m always thinking about what we could have been.
  • Only I should matter to you because I’m the only one who’ll be by your side when the sky is falling instead of saving myself.
  • What hurts more than losing you is knowing that you’re not fighting to keep me.
  • I hate that when you left my sky fell and I died inside.
  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love,Love someone else in return.
  • Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it,Cause I might do something crazy like believe it.
  • Feels like you could kiss my imperfections away,And I would stand by your side until the sun turns the sky.
  • Love is when hurting him would hurt you more.
  • I’m not crying over what you said;It’s what you didn’t say that hurts the most.
  • Love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to.
  • The worst thing a guy can do to a girl is to make her fall for him with no intentions of catching her.
  • I swear to you on everything I am,And I dedicate to you all that I have,And I promise you that I will stand right by your side,Forever and always, until the day I die.
  • One night, the moon said to me, “If he makes you cry, why don’t you leave him?” I paused for a while and then looked back to the moon and said, “Moon, will you ever leave your sky?”
  • Tears are words from the heart that can’t be spoken.

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
I cry for the time that you were almost mine,  I cry for the memories I’ve left behind, I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new, I cry for the times I thought I had you
Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can’t always see The pain someone feels
Whats the sense of wishing for something when I always just wish it away?
Every night i talk to the stars pretending its you.. it acts just like you tho.. far away and never replies to my questions
Why do people tell you to believe in what you want to but then tell you not to believe in the one true thing you do believe in?
Times a precious thing to waste, but friends are more precious
The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Do not assume that he who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life may also have much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words.
You wake to suffer through the day.
Trade a dream for the pay.
Well here’s the fact, I hope it sticks.
You’re just alive out of habit.
I swear to you on everything I am.
And I dedicate to you all that I have.
And I promise you that I will stand right by your side.
Forever and always until the day I die.
Hate can be a positive emotion.
When it forces you to better yourself.
I will not be broken.
I am the one.
Just live and breathe.
And try not to die again.
Don’t lose touch with life’s reality.
Compensate for life’s stupidity.
My heart bleeds no more.
Now it’s been turned to stone.
Leave me alone.
Don’t come any closer.
I’m so alone.
And you call me a loser.
There once was a time
When silence meant nothing to me.
These questions in my mind
Are so much bigger than life.
I need not your wicked weapons.
my war is not with someone like you.
staring at the world.
through the hole you.
put through my head.
I might look young.
But I’m no less defeated.
Just talking with my shoes.
Converse with my Converse.

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Why does everyone hate emo ?

English: The attitude of haters towards motor ...

Hello Anonymous!
Sometimes we can get the impression that nobody cares about us or hate us. It still happens to me, sometimes, even though it would happen more frequently before and I would feel really lonely.
I know it’s hard, but you should hold your head high and focus on the good things and on those who care about you and want to help you and be your friend.
You’ll see things will get better!.

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Emo accessories, clothes and Music


Emo Clothing

The term "slim fitted" is key to dressing emo. By almost all current definitions, Emo clothing is characterised by tight emo jeans (aka drainpipes or skinnies) on males and females alike. Males also sometimes where girls jeans as they "fit better". Dresses and skirts can be worn by girls if properly paired with converse and leg warmers.
Tight emo t shirts which often bear the name of rock bands such as "As I Lay Dying" or "Cute is What We Aim For" with common iconic symbols of emo such as the broken heart, the bleeding heart, stars and the every so popular skull. Vintage shirts are also still popular including vintage-looking printed tees with random things like robots, dinosaurs, or any random icon that makes people think. Originality (at least the illusion of originality) is the key.

A dark coloured zip-hoodie is a classic must have. Like the shirts, the emo hoodies these can be plain or covered in strange ghoulish and self deprecating designs with bleeding hearts, ribs, etc.
Black is probably the most popular colour for all the emo clothing, but certainly not the only colour. Emo's generally wear less black than Goths for example.

Emo Accessories

  • Studded belts and large belt buckles. Wearing two belts is cool..
  • Canvas sneakers or skate shoes, or other black emo shoes (often old and beaten up).
    Shoes can be ConverseVans, or any random shoe that is either plaid or just looks emo. The best option, although very common within every group nowadays, are Converse low tops or high tops, in black
  • If they wear glasses, they will often be nerdy thick, black horn-rimmed emo glasses.
  • Backpacks or messenger bags littered with pins from assorted emo bands or bearing anti-establishment, pro-underground slogans.
  • Fingerless gloves
  • Odd-coloured stripy socks on girls
  • Various multicoloured hair clips on girls and even guys
  • Lots of emo wristbands, bangles, etc
  • Tattoos especially the common emo stars
  • Piercings especially a ring on either side of the lips or snakebites
  • Stretched ears

Emo music has even inspired its own subcultural style. Again as with the general definition of emo there is no one definition and there are main two sides to the style - the past and present. soEMO will be mainly referring to the present day emo, scene, etc fashion and style.
Emo fashion has changed dramatically over a period of time and is prevalent mostly among teenagers. It has been described as a perfect outlet for fickle teens trying on personalities. Gothic and punk cultures have a great influence on Emo fashion. Some people wrongly consider emo to follow the common goth look - "chalky white faces, black eyes, lips and clothing." Numerous articles describe the fashion as similar to goth, but more fluffy and sugar-coated by taking basic gothic fashion, (skulls, crosses, too much eyeliner, etc), making it tighter, and adding stripes of colour.
Emo fashion use to be more "nerdy" with defining characteristics like greasy black hair, thick black rimmed glasses and a tight dull-coloured v-neck sweater from grandpa's wardrobe.

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Fashion and Beauty , What is fashion ?


English: 1950s Vintage Cotton Swing Dress

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” ~Coco Chanel

Fashion is TRULY everywhere around us, and depends on what is around us….so are some people trapped in fashion? I think I am…but that can not possibly be a bad thing!

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What is emo ? And How to Be Emo


They call me a freak, They call me ugly, But they don't
know why I am like this. They think emo means cutter, while I am just emotional, They think I should just die, While I just want to be saved, They think the music I listen to is shit, While rock music is my escape from all the pain I go through, They think screamo isn't music.

cute emo boy ,alex evans

If you want to be emo , you should follow these steps:

Part One: The Emo Lifestyle

1 Emo is a state of mind. But like "hipster," "punk," and "leftist," it can mean any number of different things. Mostly, you'll just need the right attitude. Being emo is all about emotional reflection, an acknowledgment of personal anxiety, and a passion for expressive music.

Although others might consider it an easy way to call someone emotional, they aren't strictly correct. Every human is emotional, though compared to an emo every other human might as well be a Vulcan. People who are emo are simply prepared and comfortable enough to showing their natural human emotions.

2 Understand what emo is. The meaning of emo comes from music — "emo" is short for emotive hardcore, a sub-genre of post-hardcore, which still has roots in indie rock today. So its ties to music are especially strong, and they provide the basis for our common understanding of what it means to be emo. But someone who is emo have number of different ways of relating to one another and standing out. Emo is a lot of things.

So while the guy with dark hair and painted nails listening to Dashboard Confessional in Portland might be considered emo by a lot of people, the California blonde who surfs and listens to Dashboard Confessional might consider herself emo as well. There's no one judge about who's emo and who isn't.

People who are emo identify themselves through fashion, but not always. Emos have a way of dressing and expressing themselves through clothes. Some people believe that emo is a way of life and others believe it is a teenage grow out fad. Some people believe there are rules to being emo things such as never calling yourself "emo" and listening to the right bands. Others think that all you need is the right emotional outlook.

Listen to emo music.

Part Two: Music

1 Appreciate Emo music. Emo started in Washington in 1985, with bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace. In recent times, many pop-punk and alternative rock bands have been grouped under the banner of emo or screamo as well.

Probably the first and most important thing to do in order to be considered emo is to listen to emo bands. Test yourself. Try listening to emo music and see if you end up liking it. If you finish wanting to download or buy the songs after you’re done with the album, you’re probably a true emo. If you don't like the music, that's okay too. You can still express your emotions through fashion and lifestyle.

If you don't like emo, try listening to screamo. Screamo is closely related to emo but with more hardcore punk influence and screaming. Some screamo bands include: I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, Portraits of Past, Orchid, Pg.99, Alexisonfire, I Hate Myself, the Saddest Landscape, Indian Summer, Thursday, Funeral for a Friend, Circle Takes The Sqaure, Funeral Diner, City of a Caterpillar, Anomie and Piano Become The Teeth. If you end up liking the music, it doesn't really matter what you call it.

2 Consider picking up an instrument. Being able to play music by yourself or in a band would give you huge credibility. Remember, though, that it takes quite a while for most people to learn an instrument and to start being able to play songs.
Try playing the bass or guitar, or perhaps even the violin, which sounds amazing in emo songs if you invest enough time in it. The drums might also be a very good instrument. You can even write poetry and turn your words into songs. The most important thing is that you're involved somehow in music.

3 Find out which emo bands you like. There are tons of emo bands out there, each with a different musical style. Explore what styles you like and which bands sound good to you. Examples of emo bands include:

Rites of Spring


Moss Icon

The Saddest Landscape


American Football

Senses Fail

Funeral for a Friend

The Hated

Pg 99

The Used

My Chemical Romance

Hawthorne Heights

Matchbook Romance




Drive Like Jehu

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Brand New



Indian Summer


Jimmy Eat World

Antioch Arrow

Twelve Hour Turn



Texas Is The Reason

Sunny Day Real Estate

Hey Mercedes

Dashboard Confessional

I Hate Myself

Joan of Arc

From Autumn to Ashes


Cap'n Jazz

The Appleseed Cast

American Football

The Get Up Kids

Further Seems Forever

Nevertheless, there are tons of bands nowadays mislabeled as emo. Today, often metal music gets tagged as emo, as well as metalcore, hard rock, trancecore and others. Some bands who have been mislabeled as emo include Black Veil Brides, A7X, BFMV, BMTH, As I Lay Dying, Cannibal Corpse, Job for a Cowboy, Suicide Silence, Asking Alexandria, Attack! Attack, Devil Wears Prada, Murderdolls, AFI, Green Day, Good Charlotte, New Found Glory, Blink-182, August Burns Red, Motionless in White, Cradle of Filth, Vampires! Everywhere, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, For All Those Sleeping, Of Mice and Men, etc. These bands are in different genres.
Part Three: Fashion (optional)

1 There are two emo fashions: old and modern.

Wear glasses (preferably thick rimmed with black rims)

Have cropped or short hair. However, if you're female, you don't need to.

Wear tight jeans.

If you want, you can also have some koi-fish tattoos and/or home-made emo band patches

Wear chuck taylor all-star shoes

Try band-shirts and sweater vests.

Wear chuck taylor all-star shoes, converse shoes or vans.

Get a hair fringe: The hair will be straight and flat and will have hair covering the sides and back of the head along with medium to long length bangs. If you want, you could also dye the hair black.

Wear a pair of tight-fitting jeans. If you're female, you might want a pair of drainpipe jeans. If you're male, try a pair of tight jeans for guys.

If you want, have a mouth piercing.

Wear a studded belt (especially white).

Wear some short-sleeved t-shirts (especially emo band shirts such as shirts of Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Rites of Spring or Sunny Day Real Estate)

If you wear eyeliner, it should be preferably thin and tracing the eyes. You don't have to wear eyeliner though.

During the winter, you can also wear a hoodie.

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Wondering how to dress emo?

Wondering how to dress emo? Well with the emo scene getting more popular everyone is wondering how to dress emo. Dressing correctly can really improve your characteristics and overall look. Emo girls usually have their hair shorter, dyed a darker color, generally black. They tend to have bangs that swoop over their eyes. Girls usually have their friends cut their hair into a certain style they are looking for. Jewelry tends to consist of many arm bands. Typically brighter colors..face jewelry is quite popular as well. Lips rings being a major element in dressing emo for both girls and boys. Vintage clothing is very good for the emo look. You can find such clothing at thrift stores, or a local goodwill. Some emo kids sometimes make their own clothing. Jackets are very popular among the emo scene, especially 70's style jackets. They give you a very cool vintange look. Beanies are also very popular amoung emo the emo crown when wore correctly

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Your Evening Cry: One of the Best Love Stories We've Ever Read

The New York Times Modern Love column can be tedious, pretentious, and downright ridiculous. But sometimes it's compelling, heartbreaking, and beautiful. Today's piece just set my tear ducts into overdrive, and although I'm incredibly exhausted today (STFU, hormones!), I'm positive I'd still sniffle if I wasn't.

Eve Pell, a freelance writer, tells her tale of romance with a man named Sam. They met when she was 68 and he was 78, and had a joint 150th birthday two years later. How fucking rad is that? I love them already. At the party, they announced their engagement, and married the next year.
We came from very different backgrounds. Sam, a Japanese-American who had been interned in the camps during World War II, worked his way through college and was happily married to his Japanese-American wife for more than 40 years until her death. I grew up as a fox-hunting debutante whose colonial New York ancestors were lords of the manor of Pelham. Typical of my much-married family, I had been divorced twice.
Sam and Eve met at a San Francisco-area running club, and she quickly became interested in getting to know him better. She devised a plan to get Sam to ask her to the movies, and it worked. It became a regular thing.
One evening at the movies, after we had been seeing each other for several weeks, I felt his hand on mine. If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can recapture the moment: the dark of the theater, the warmth of his hand, my happiness.
Oh man, that is the best feeling.
But there's an issue: Sam is a widower, and still feels loyalty to his wife, the much loved Betty who died six years earlier. Eve writes that in the past she might've felt competitive with Betty's memory, but now she sees things differently:
"I know that you loved Betty very much, and I have great respect for your marriage," I began. "But I think you have room in your heart for me, too."
He hugged me and went home.
Several days later he asked, "Are you going to run the 5K in Carmel next week?"
"Would you like to go together?
Oh, it gets better. You must must must go read it now so we can laugh and cry together about how great love is! Eve and Sam are lucky people — lucky to be of a socioeconomic class to allow them to fully enjoy each other, and lucky to have created something so special.
Although it's a tale about finding love in your later years, it's also about the first connections you have with someone you're really into, and the rush of those first months and years. When Eve writes about Sam's hand on hers in the movie theater, it's magic. It's motherfucking magic, and I won't apologize for loving it so g-d much! I'm seriously contemplating writing fanfic about this couple's 150th birthday party. I can't explain it, I just love this so much, I hope I'm not the only one. Tell me I'm not high* and that this is the best.

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Why You Keep Losing at Slot Machines

Canadian researchers report that the music and sound effects of slot machines help convey the illusion that you are winning.

Does this casino scenario sound familiar? You’re pumping money into a slot machine, very much enjoying the sense that you’re winning more often than you’re losing. Your excitement mounts—right up until that startling, disheartening moment when your money runs out.
How did you misjudge things so badly? It turns out you can’t put all the blame on those complimentary cocktails. Newly published research suggests at least part of the answer involves the slot machine’s music and sound effects.
It seems all those bells and whistles simultaneously perform two functions casino magnates love: They heighten players’ emotional arousal, even as they incite them to “significantly overestimate the number of times they won.”

On modern slot machines, where gamblers wager simultaneously on several lines, success on any one of those lines will produce the music and sound effects associated with a win.

That’s the conclusion of a research team led by psychologist Mike Dixon of the University of Waterloo, who has extensively studied the psychology of gambling. The researchers report two groups of gamblers experienced less pleasure playing silent slot machines. But they were also better judges of how well they were doing.
Writing in the Journal of Gambling Studies, the researchers describe a phenomenon they call “losses disguised as wins.” On modern slot machines, where gamblers wager simultaneously on several lines, success on any one of those lines will produce the music and sound effects associated with a win.
That holds true even if you lost on all of the other lines, resulting in a net loss on that particular wager. This leaves gamblers with the impression they’re winning (and the incentive to play more), even when they are, in fact, losing money.
To determine if the music and sound effects exacerbated this costly misconception, the researchers tested 96 regular slot machine players (a bit over half of them male). Most were recruited at the entrance of an Ontario slots venue; the experiment took place in a meeting room upstairs from the slots floor. Others were recruited online and tested at a university laboratory.
All of the participants played a simulated slot machine game, designed to look and sound like the actual machines, while electrodes attached to their skin measured changes in skin conductance (a good signal of emotional arousal). After playing a block of spins with sound, and one without sound, they were asked to estimate the number of times they won more than they wagered.
“The vast majority of players that were tested preferred the playing session where wins were accompanied by sound,” the researchers report. Skin conductance levels confirmed that the music and sound effects made the experience more exciting.
They estimated winning an average of 33 times when the sound was turned off, and 36 times when it was turned on. In fact, they won only 28 times. This suggests that (a) the multi-line game leads to the false impression of winning, and (b) the music and sound effects exacerbate this misconception, raising the rate of overestimation from 15 percent to 24 percent.
So losses are often masked as wins, and sound effects and music “may be an integral component to the disguise,” Dixon and his colleagues conclude. This, they add, helps explain the “persistence that some players experience when playing slot machines.”
Indeed, there are few things more enticing than the sound of winning money—even when it’s an illusion.

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